
Showing posts from 2016
JHANYRO EVENTS MANAGEMENT-Interactive Mobile Exhibit        "Is that it?".. That is the question where most students are murmuring about the "Interactive Mobile Exhibit- Jhanyro Events Management " even me, to honestly say. Of course, I had fun but it is not fun enough to learn how to do such things interactively.         First stop was the video animations about how do movies really create impossible events. It was really fun to see my schoolmates act and dance, however it wasn't quite really satisfying. To frankly say they really didn't taught us how to manage the video, there were no interactions in the applications they used and it blinded us all.         Second stop was the 3D movie marathon about the changes that are happening in our planet earth. The fun part was the objects in the video that I actually saw really focusing towards me and I can't bear to looked at it. Nevertheless, I was a bit "bitin"...
              I must say God is really amazing for making this things around us possible. Extraordinary things that God created, all these creatures, nonliving and living. Indeed God is miraculous.            As I've read the book further, I've realized something and that is being abusive. In the first chapter, it talks about the models, systems, subsystems and geographers. Nevertheless, as I go further in reading it, my heart really felt heavy for some reasons.            While reading about the Human Impacts on the Environment, it was unfortunate and a little bit guilty as for myself. Unfortunate in the way that because of those disasters many people loss their family and loved ones and I felt guilty for I am one of most people who contributed simple wrong activities even if I know through myself that it was badly wrong and yet I still did it.         ...